
Showing posts from 2020

New Nebosh Online course

 NEBOSH new format open book exam though was seen with doubt and hesitation by the learners , now has created a huge demand . The new format open book exam has got a great reception and tremendous support from the learners. The new format NEBOSH open book exam has widened the way of thinking and understanding and provides a positive approach for the application of mind. This new format open book exam has same value as the previous NEBOSH international general certificate closed book paper based invigilated exams which were conducted at pre covid scenario Some learners feel that the new format open book exam is easy and they can simply get through the exams. But it is not true. It requires careful reading and understanding of syllabus and correct application of technical knowledge In new format open book exam learners have some difficulty in understanding the scenario based questions and some technical issues with uploading the answer template But keeping the technical problem in mi...

New stream of safety engineering course

  New Stream of Education : The areas where you can get employed as safety officer/engineer/manager are Railways, Airports Authority of India, Defense forces, mines, Petrochemical complexes, C.I.S.F., ONGC, Electricity Boards, refineries, municipal bodies, steel plants, oil and gas, Rigs, Construction Industry, petrochemical, pharma, agriculture, dock yards and many other organizations. Since safety is the major concern for most of the organizations, so they prefer hiring safety personnel adept with adequate skills. Not only this, you may also opt for an entrepreneurial career by becoming a Fire Surveyor of Fire Consultant. Alternatively you can also get into a business line of safety equipment, fire equipment, installation of fire detection and manufacturer of safety and suppression system. As per Government of India, Fire and Industrial Safety Regulations, Every Industry, Factory, Mall, Hospital, Airport or other commercial establishment including High-rise Buildings must have ...

Principles of safety engineers need

safety should not be views as, how much it earns for you, but should be views as how much it saves for you. By implementing safety in workplace, it saves human from being injured, it saves human from terrible diseases and also it saves human form being killed. Not only this, implementing safety in workplace saves plant, equipment's and also saves environment from being polluted. safety means it is a holism approach to protect people, properly and environment. So maintaining the safety in a workplace has become a highest priority for the management is prime responsible for health and safety in the organisation.

List and tips for safety engineering course

Auditing production, keeping on the lookout for any unsafe behavior or any breach in regulations  Assessing risk and possible safety hazards of all aspects of operations  Creating analytical reports of safety data  Inspecting production equipment and processes to make sure they are safe  Ordering repairs for unsafe and/or damaged equipment  Focusing on prevention by keeping up with equipment maintenance and employee training  Presenting safety principles to staff in meetings or lecture-type training sessions  Participating in continuing education to update knowledge of health and safety protocols and techniques  Determining whether the finished product is safe for customers

Choose a right course adopt for you in safety course

Occupational Health and safety management system will enable to create a sucessfull path towards achieving a high standards of health and safety. Health and safety issues will create a plenty of legal and financial issues to organisations. Health safety issues will lead to disease and injuries or even fatality to the individuals. Safety Courses in chennai offered by safety professionals are available in direct class room training and also as online.Safety training courses will create a trained safety professionals safety courses are available as weekend classes with flexible timings.

why the safety course in chennai

  Why are Safety Courses are the importance of the Day ?   Accidents & Occupational Diseases are not only greatest economy drain to a country but also they lead to a mental agony & unrest to a society. In India  until 1984,Bhopal MIC lethal gas devasted the millions of peoples’ lives, the importance of safety was imparted the least importance not realised it’s real potential.           The accidents causes many direct and immense indirect costs. while realising it’s utmost importance, both central and state agencies promulgated many laws and rules to ascertain the   prevalence of the safety, health and environment in the industries & community.

Industrial safety course Bss certificate

Career in Industrial Safety : Nations' economic Growth of industries will boost employment opportunities in the country. Development and sustained growth of Industries in the country will stabilize the social peace in the country. Industries Ensures money Flow.  Safety in Industries are very important . If the safety in industries are ensured, the workers nearby public, equipment, machinery and environment will also be protected.

Scope of fire and safety course

Scope of fire and safety course :  Fire and safety course completed candidates shall have wide range of opportunities in both local and international. The fire accidents have huge impact on the reputation of the organisation and effect on the financial stability of the organisation.More than 40% of the organisation fails to restart their business offer a fire accident. This statistics shows what impact the fire can cause. So to avoid this and due to legal issues, many  organisations have generated fire and safety jobs.

iosh course in chennai

iosh course in chennai : The IOSH Leading Safely course is aimed toward administrators , Senior Executives, Senior Managers and anyone else with leadership responsibility. It delivers sensible information and solutions for property business advantage through healthiness and safety follow .